The past couple of weeks life has conspired against me managing to blog. I overdid things and then lots of stuff's been happening, mostly good stuff, socialising and the like, but I just have not had a chance to recover. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can recover and rest. So the works in progress I've missed writing about?
First some socks, dragonfly socks in the "Monet" shade from Colinette Jitterbug, lovely fabric, but I will be washing them with some trepidation as I have had a lot of trouble with their colours running in the past. But for now I am enjoying knitting them up. It is one of those patterns you can pick up fairly easily, but that has enough to keep your interest as you knit.

Secondly a baby cardigan, in a fabulously spring-like shade of Zauberball 6 ply. I'm reprising February Baby Sweater from Elizabeth Zimmermann's classic book The Knitters' Almanac, one of those books well worth purchasing simply to read, as well as containing some great patterns. I like this cardigan because the babies pictured wearing it on ravelry look happy in it, relaxed and comfortable and also because it seems flexible in sizing, fitting for quite a while, which given how fast babies can grow, is always a bonus.
Today, Good Friday, has also reminded me of a more serious "work in progress": me. I am so thankful for Jesus, because without Him I would be lost, eternally and in the here and now. I am so thankful that He loves me just as I am, messy, untidy, unfinished, constantly making mistakes: endlessly forgiven.