Saturday, 21 February 2009

more primroses

Originally uploaded by foggyknitter

Love how this photo has come out so simply had to share it! Might have to try drawing these primroses at some point. Or do some sort of pattern or print using the shape of the petals and their arrangement.


Originally uploaded by foggyknitter

Such a beautiful day today, I was outside without a coat, insanely radical. I'd promised my dad that I'd photograph some of his flowers once they were out and send him some pictures, so I thought I'd pop some up here too. I'm fascinated by primroses right now, earlier in the week I noticed that each petal is a heart shape, how lovely is that?

Friday, 13 February 2009


Originally uploaded by foggyknitter

The second drawing I tried - well actually this is the third attempt I made at drawing the irises. They are tricky customers, working out what goes were and what angle and proportion all the bits of petal are to one another. It was in fact done on the 11th, not the 10th as it says. I never have issues with what date it is!

I know it sounds like blowing my own trumpet, but I'm rather pleased with it. I like the way the darker B pencils work, when I did art at school years ago I remember sticking to the lighter, more tentative Bs. Will try to do more pencil drawing, at some point I'd like to get to grips with paint and colour, but one thing at a time.

snow drops

snow drops
Originally uploaded by foggyknitter

I've tried some drawing lately, as thanks to my lovely Dad I have oodles of bulbs in pots and they were so beautiful that they needed some record. My other thought is that if I am going to do print making I need to be able to draw first to have something to print. So there we have my snowdrop, the first drawing I've attempted in a while.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Originally uploaded by foggyknitter

Finished my socks, I love the colours so much, they are Widdershins from

They took just over a week, which is a much more respectable time frame for a pair of socks. Just trying to avoid the temptation to cast on the next pair!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Difficult questions

It is striking how much time we Christians spend arguing with one another. Generally the issues at stake are esoteric and not of urgent importance to our relationship with Jesus or to our salvation. Many hours and much ink have been spilled over predestination alone: perhaps the most contentious of these issues.

But does it matter? Or are we just using hours of debate as a displacement activity for the things we should really be doing as Christians? Many of these issues have no definitive answer this side of heaven. Surely the best thing we can do is to pray, read our Bibles and consider these issues, bearing in mind that others may come to different conclusions? Ultimately we have to trust God, know that He knows what He is doing, He loves us, one day everything will be right again, but for now we cannot comprehend Him.

Of course, some issues are what are referred to as "salvation issues", such as Christ being God's son, and are generally more clear-cut biblically. These should be defended by every follower of Christ, united around the Gospel and the cross - not surrounded by in-fighting. I pray that we can trust God more and more, growing together as the body of Christ, encouraging and exhorting one another and being Christ's love and light to the world; looking outwards, instead of navel gazing and bickering.