Today we visited our neighbour Jane's allotment, where they were having an open day. Jane herself was jubilant as she had won the allotments' "best newcomer" award and seeing all the beautiful plants growing on the allotments has inspired me. Next year I intend to try my hand at growing courgettes. I am fascinated by the way they emerge from the plant, with their beautiful flowers perched on the end. The colour contrasts of all the greens and the bright yellow of the flowers are quietly lovely.

In the meantime our self seeded tomatoes are thriving and starting to produce actual tomatoes. We thought we had two, but looking closely at the photos I've taken I think we've got three. Not a lot yet, but give it time!

Apart from that it's been a quiet weekend; bit dull... not feeling great. Been playing around with the crochet still.
Edited to add: just went out for another look at our plants and there are loads more tomatoes beginning to form!
pretty cornflower, bluest of blues. sounds like a pleasant day down at the allotment. hope your feeling alittle better soon. xxx