Generally on this blog I do try not to be political because this is not a political blog and because I find politics so extremely stressful and hard to cope with, however, I thought this was worth a mention. We may be living through difficult and nasty times for many, but perhaps it is also an opportunity for the church to get up and speak out for people and to show care and concern for people in need and by doing so to demonstrate Jesus's love.
Archbishop Justin (calling him that does sound most familiar, I'm sure they would have had none of it in good old Barchester), spoke recently at one of those Christian Glastonbury's, New Wine and his talk is on his website and I cannot recommend it enough. It is an excellent use for a half hour and it left me feeling inspired and encouraged and challenged all at once.

(picture from Lambeth Palace's flickr account)
I shall continue to pray for the church and for our new Archbishop, that we could be real and relevant and bring love and hope to this country and to the world. Let us set out, one prayer at a time.
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6.8
P.S. If you want to hear some more of what the Archbishop has to say this video interview is also very interesting, though quite why anyone thought they needed dry ice behind them is beyond me!
I think he's a Very Good Thing for the church - he comes across very well in interviews etc. Much as I liked Rowan too, most of the media couldn't grasp what he was talking about most of the time!
ReplyDeleteI agree, I have to confess that I rarely paid much attention to what his predecessor was up to!
ReplyDeleteI've been very impressed by your Archbishop. I think that churches, in addition to having and perhaps even causing problems, also do a great deal of good in various ways. But this is rarely covered by the media. I was saddened to see the lead headline today in Glasgow's Herald was that the Church of Scotland's care homes haven't been following labour laws. I have no idea what the truth is - but I wish there was occasionally a headline proclaiming, "The Church Takes Care of People!"
ReplyDeleteI also know what you mean about steering clear of politics in a blog. But Jesus also calls us to speak out for the weak and the poor. I also generally steer clear of controversial / political things on my blog, for fear of stirring up angry responses and indeed of hurting people who have a different point of view. But it is great,and appropriate, when leaders are unafraid.