1. Blue sky - a rare commodity over this past year and so much appreciated on the occasions that it has appeared. I spent time sitting simply looking at it, drinking it in. At times it was accompanied by sunshine which was lovely, even the feeble warmth of winter sunshine was wonderful and a hint of the spring to come. I truly am praying and hoping that this year will be less overcast than last, after a while it just starts to drag you down, especially during the summer when it is supposed to be better weather - oh how British, going on and on about the weather!

2. Unexpected early buds - my dad had used some prunings from the wild cherry tree to stake some hyacinths we had in a pot in the kitchen and being in the warmth, with the water from the pot, they have started to bud. Some are almost out, when they are I shall try to get photos and get them up here. We have collected up some more of the prunings and put them in a vase to see if similar happens to them. I never like seeing branches indoors like that if they've been cut off the tree just to look at, it seems mean to all the birds and insects who would benefit from them, but since the tree needed pruning anyway it is not so bad.

3. A lovely pub breakfast with knitters last Saturday morning, good food, friendly chatter and laughter and knitting, a good way to spend any morning in my opinion.
4. Having a good day - not a dramatically good day, just a calmly, nothing getting to me, not feeling too awful day, which is better than wild excitement or overwhelmingly happy in my book. A walk in the sunshine, reading on the sofa in the sunshine, seeing two police horses go past the house (they appear to have been past our house every day this week at exactly the same time, looking very handsome but rather bored), some peace and quiet and noticing that some snow drops had come out. Unfortunately the photograph I managed to get is not very good because there was an incredibly high wind so all the plants kept moving about wildly.

Here's to more good days in future.
Oh I'm so pleased to hear about your good day. I know just what you mean about it being somewhere a less than euphoria on the happiness scale, just steady and contented. I hope you have many more of them. Blue sky and some sunshine can make such a difference, can't it?