1. The 109 bus - I have never been so glad to see a bus in my life. I was on my way to the dentist and had arrived in the suburb by train, walked out of the station and become completely disorientated (note to self: next time take a map). So I managed to go the wrong way out of the station and walk for what seemed about a mile in the wrong direction. The penny was just dropping and I was getting dangerously close to my appointment, when I found myself beside a bus stop for buses running towards the direction I had just come. To my intense relief there was a 109 bus crawling along the road towards me that delivered me to the dentist's just about on time. Mercifully the toothache and general jaw pain seems to be inflamed gums, rather than the more serious problems I had been imagining - note to self: do not immediately leap to the worst possible conclusion over *everything*.

One of my dad's toy buses for illustrative purposes
2. Confusion by Elizabeth Jane Howard - I have been deep in the Cazalet novels lately, devouring them greedily. I cannot remember when I was last so engrossed by a series of books or a fictional family, I found myself truly caring what happened to them and whereas in the earlier books I had been enjoying and taking note of the writing and narrative devices, all that detail began to fly out of the window as I got further into the story. I cannot recommend these novels enough. For so long I have been limited in my reading by brain fog and tiredness, so to be able to regain some of my previous capacity for reading is a real joy.

3. Robins - out in the garden during some rare sunshine I saw both robins, the first boldly sitting on a branch just above my head singing lustily, the second creeping about the undergrowth and holly, battling curiosity and cautiousness, unable to resist taking a look at me despite nervousness. I have great hopes of a nest of little robins.

4. Beautiful yarn in the sunshine - this is Mind the Gap by Trailing Clouds, Blue Faced Leicester wool yarn dyed in all the colours of the London Underground lines. As I have plans (or hopes?) of casting this on soon I had been winding the yarn and thought the opportunity for photographs was too good to miss.

I am horribly tempted by that wool but know from bitter experience that I run out of patience way before finishing socks so shall just admire yours instead!
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased for you about the reading! My daughter was able to re-read a book recently and it was just fantastic to see her so absorbed. I'm also glad that the tooth problem wasn't as bad as you imagined. What was it Mark Twain said? "I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened."
ReplyDeleteI've seen that Mind the Gap wool on a few blogs and I know myself better than to try to knit a pair of socks from it - but they do look really cool!
I hope this week has lots of good things in it for you.