Sunday, 21 December 2014

Fourth Sunday in Advent

December has been flying by, as it always does, so here is the fourth poem, another serious one, but shorter.  This poem brought me up short, it has overtones of Sleeping Beauty, but a better happy ending.  As Joseph says to his brothers at the end of Genesis, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good", I find God's ability to bring good out of bad a great comfort.

The Wicked Fairy at the Manger
by U A Fanthorpe

My gift for the child:
No wife, kids, home;
No money sense. Unemployable.
Friends, yes. But the wrong sort –
The workshy, women, wimps,
Petty infringers of the law, persons
With notifiable diseases,
Poll tax collectors, tarts;
The bottom rung.
His end?
I think we’ll make it
Public, prolonged, painful.

Right, said the baby. That was roughly
What we had in mind.



  1. Thank you so much for sharing this and all your Advent poems. I know some but this one was new to me and a real blessing.
    I do not comment much, but I am a faithful reader and consider you a great friend, as I am sure do the rest of your quiet followers :)

    Wishing you a blessed Christmas and every hope and joy in this coming New Year....Deborah near Seattle

  2. I had never seen this poem - wow! It has been in my mind since I read it here at the start of the week. Very powerful. Wishing you a very blessed Christmas, Stephanie, and all good things in 2015. I enjoy your blog very much. I didn't have time to comment on your December book review, but a lot in it was new to me and I have taken note!
